Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2007

xmas day

because in germany they celebrate christmas on the 24th i asked if we could get out and see some of the countryside yesterday. we ended up driving just to drive and we ran into some cool little villages. here are a few photos from yesterday.

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2007

dresden... awwww my old home

the other day mad and i went to dresden for the day and spent the day walking around and hanging out with a very good friend of ours, beni. dresden has changed a bit, but nothing to write home about. it had been two and a half years since we hung out with beni and it made me realize how much i missed hanging out with him. he is a really special person and i am going to miss not being able to call him up and have him come over and eat my lasagna or chili. hopefully we get to hang out again before we go back to alaska.

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2007

today the weather was really nice so my father-in-law and i went for a little ride and then walk to get some pics of the town that my wife was born in. here is my fav.
today the weather was really nice so my father-in-law and i went for a little ride and then walk to get some pics of the town that my wife was born in. here is my fav.

Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2007

back in the fatherland!

so it's been a while since we last posted, but things have been a bit nutso lately. we are finally back in germany and have been hanging out for a couple of days. here are some pics of the last couple of days. we drove to prague for a night and then over the course of two days made our way back up to chemnitz through the erzgebirge. it was nice.